Monday, June 11, 2007

New grandbaby

The lastest news is that Isaac's family has begun the process to
adopt a little girl, she'll be younger than Samuel from Ethiopia.
Molly has been working non stop on paper work. It's incredible how
much there is to do. So we need to move out soon, though they claim
it would be good if we stayed. So remember to pray for our house to sell and
the next home God has for us.
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Time for Birthdays!!

Believe or not Samuel is 4 years old now. May is a big birthday month for us, Marklar turned 15, Mark turned I think 39, John Gilliam74?, and Bob Maki, big 60, and of course Samuel.
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Klepac Baptisms

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I've written. I've got a lot of catching up to do. This is Marklar getting baptized. Tom Camacho, associate pastor, and Mark's friend. He's been disciplining Mark in evangelism. They go once a week downtown to share with people. Scott Luper is in the back, he's on the board and a good friend to our family. He and his wife minister to the large hispanic population in our area. That's my baby? Isaac on the right. Mark and I were on the banks. IT was an interesting place to get to, but a place with a lot of great history.
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This is Eli, my grandson, Isaac's second son. When Judah and Eli heard about Mark wanting to be baptized they asked a lot of questions and wanted to be baptized also. It's wonderful how family works and allows us to encourage each other. It's so good for Mark to be by his older brother and his nephews and neices.
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And then there's Judah. The angels were rejoicing. We had refreshments served afterwards and got to hear some great mission stories and history.
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