Sunday, February 18, 2007

Our 34th anniversary was yesterday. Marky was away on a retreat with his youth group at the Cove. We had a really nice weekend together. This picture is from our business retreat, but couldn't find another with the two of us.
We drove up to Chimney Rock. We didn't actually go up, but the drive was beautiful. We went to the little shops and had some lunch. Every time we came back to the car there was a little present on the seat, some cough drops, vase, candles, choclates, etc. Mark made it a really fun weekend. We got a gift certificate for the Olive Garden and had a great waitress and really enjoyed ourselves. We never get appetizers or wine so it was a real treat. It's hard to believe that all our kids(except Mark) are so old. I still think we're there age. Of course Mark doesn't age much with his 200 miles of riding a week. It's been a hard season, but is obvious to me that the Lord really has been active in all the changes in our lives and has a good plan for us. It will be interesting to see all that God is doing and will do.
I have been taking a Sunday School class at church on Hearing God's Voice that has really been helpful to me. A couple of tidbits: 1. Honor the flow of the Spirit. After this lesson I recieved what I think is a Bible study for the future for mom's. I know God speaks to me, but I don't always stop and pay attention. Either I dismiss it as me or I don't respond to it. (On occasion I do, but......) I began to write furiously. Now I need to do the work and give it time and prayer and God directed study. I'm looking forward to what develops. I use to have a monthly outlet of seeing the spirit move in our prison ministry where God would show up and love on the women there. This was like that, but in a new form.
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