Friday, March 09, 2007

Here's Isaac and Molly on their day trip from their cruise. This is a live creature

They look like they're having a good time. I of course was having more fun with
5 grandkids and Mark and Marky sick.

These are Molly's parents. Bobbi and I go to
the Cove (Billy Graham's place) every Tuesday
morning to do a women's study on Hopelessness.
We usually get lunch too. They have a great chef.
It's been great getting to know Bobbi. She's been a real friend to us.
John and Bobbi have been traveling to Kenya and other
places in Africa sharing the Word and love of the Lord a couple
times a year.
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1 comment:

david c welker said...

Hi Mary -

Yeah, I must have mistaken your son's blog for Mark. I saw the message you left on mine a few months back. I'm glad to hear you guys are well and happy. It looks beautiful down there, and such wonderful pics of of your family ! Shannon says "hello", give Mark my regards. We'll have to check your blog once in awhile. Take care and God bless.

David Welker