Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Best Birthday Ever!

Simeon was determined that I would have my best birthday ever. The original plans included a tent! His mom said he couldn't be in charge of everything, because she knew this would include fireworks. Simi went hard to work at making I love you signs and getting up at 5:30 am to put these huge spectacular balloons in my room. We did have a great day. It was a smashy splashy birthday as the boys said. We went to feed and seed for church and Isaac's gang all came too. We then went to a mexican restaurant afterwards. Monica had actually made a beautiful lunch, but she said we could postpone it to dinner. It was great. Joel and Monica went on a little adventure of their own and so we watched the boys for a couple of days. They made it well worth being alive!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I love the Simeon touch! What a character. ;-) I'm so glad you had some good grandma time with them both. Such dolls...

The balloons were just the right touch. It seems like an extravagance but I always feel like they make everything festive and they last long to remind you that there was some fun!