Wednesday, December 27, 2006

2006 is almost gone, how time flies

Well this was a great way to end the year with a fun week of grandkids.
We had Christmas at the Sullivan's (molly's folks). Mark lead us in Christmas carols, John had made a manger bed that we all put our gifts on a piece of paper to Jesus, we ate, we played Apples to Apples, and John read the Christmas story from the Bible. Molly's brother Sean, wife Rebecca, and their two kids Connor and Patrick, GG (John's mom) and great family friend Ms. Pat were all there celebrating the birth of our Lord. What a blessing to be able to come together and remember all He has done for us. Molly and I went to the Nativity movie. We would recommend it. We were commenting on how we kind of overlook how important Joseph's calling was. What an unusual man called to unusual life. God surely has something interesting for each of us.

More fun

Another day we had a big baking fest. We made candy cane cookies Isaac remembers making as a boy and of course chocolate chip and invisible mint peanut butter. Everyone got to pound the candy mints to spitherins with a hammer, unwrap many candies, roll the dough, twist and shout. We also went to see Charlotte's web with Bobbi (the other grandma) and her other two grandboys. We think we might have liked it better than the kids, but it was a sight to see that row of beautiful kids.
Mike and Johanna brought Marky back the next weekend and spent the night with us and we all went to church the next day. It was nice having three of my kids in one place, and five of the grandkids, not to mention 2 in law kids. Mark and I are truly blessed to have such wonderful kids. I forgot to mention we were able to have dinner with Sam and his oldest friend Jason while we were in Virginia.
It has been a little strange not being in our own home this Christmas and we have new relatives, but God has a great plan and purpose for our life and I'm interested to see what will unfold in 2007. Happy New Year.

Christmas Time

Well we had some Christmas fun. We drove Marky up to his big sis and brother in laws house in Virginia and we kidnapped their two gems, Grace and Faith. We had a week of cousin fun. As you can see they built a home that could fit all five of them. There was much debate about how to decorate, but it was a fun time!!!

We then did some crafts one day provided by Aunt Chrissie. The boys made snowman magnets, Grace made a beautiful snowflake and Faith made an angel. It was a lot of fun. On Saturday, Grandpa and daddy took all the kids to the WNC nature center. They seem to get the biggest kick out of an australian cow, called an oreo, because of his coloration. They had some fun with a very friendly otter too.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Well I have been very unsuccesful at getting in to the new story blog Joel made. I've been trying and trying. I have sleep deprivation now. We were very sad to hear that Auntie Elsie has gone to be with Jesus. We're happy for Jesus and Elsie, but sad for all who love her. She was such a happy memory of our early years of marriage where we would drop in and have an instant prayer and praise meeting. Mark has had a rich inheritance of faith. I'm glad I also got to be a part of that. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mark's been wanting dreds, this is as close as we could deal with it. Many more hairstyles to come. Posted by Picasa

Grandma Klepac

Grandma Klepac

Well Mark made it home safe and sound from the cold country we used to call home. He missed his mountains. He's sure in love with them. I had a pretty quiet weekend. Marky was off helping with a Holiday feast for some folks who were in need of some fun and food. They also had a little store for the kids to "buy" christmas presents for their parents. He then spent the night at some new friends house. Friday night once a month they have intercession and praise and worship for the high schoolers. He's really enjoying that. So mom was pretty to herself other than one night of watching the grandboys. I read a whole book, worked in the office and took marky to a movie. While poor Mark worked away on our house. Please keep it's sale in your prayers.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

This is one of the logo's marky made for Shiloh Painting. I like it alot. We've had kind of a rough day today. One of the men who foreman's for us fell off a ladder and broke his foot multiple times. He is in a lot of pain. Isaac and Mark have been at the hospital all day.
Marky got invited over to a new friends house from church today. So hopefully this will be the start of a good relationship. Lives far away of course. We love to drive. ha ha.
IT looks like some of us have strep throat. Sam tested positive and I have a sore throat, as does Molly. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 09, 2006

It's hard to imagine how cute these guys are. They are each so unique from the other. Thursdays are grandma's home school day. I'm with Marky in the morning and with the grandboys in the afternoon. We do a Bible study and then do a gym class with the local rec park. Today was 70 and beautiful and a lot of fun. We learned that we are precious in God's eyes today. The older boys sent cards to someone they loved to let them know. What a blessing to be able to be a part of their lives. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Life in Asheville

Hey, we've finally got my blog going again. Mark and Marky went over night in the mountains. It is hard to ever forget what an awesome God we have if you have your eyes open. Grace and Faith came to visit for a few days and we had a great time. Mark and I took them all to Chuckie Cheese. They really know how to have fun.
Marky went to Dare 2 Share weekend with our church and really got to experience some door to door evangelism with 3000 teenagers. They also collected 7000 lbs of canned goods.
Molly and I will have finished To Live is Christ next week. We are hoping to start a study of Daniel in January. I am also going to the Cove (Billy Graham's retreat center) for a Bible study with Molly's mom in January. Hope I can keep up, but didn't want to miss either one.

I just had a great visit from Karen Knopp. Mark took us up some pretty exciting driveways!!! It was so good to have sweet fellowship with our sister. That's all for now. I'll try to remember how to get in from now on!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Grand Girls

I unfortunately dont' have any pictures of my two bautiful grand girls, Grace and Faith, but am hoping on taking some while they are visiting

Grand Kids

Here are my wonderful Grand Boys!
Hard to believe we have 5 now. Stay tune for some pics of the girls. Sammy's practicing karate in marky's room, monica of course is loving on abram, and the boys are at sammy's birthday party at a great park. Which simeon and abram were able to come to.