Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Life in Asheville

Hey, we've finally got my blog going again. Mark and Marky went over night in the mountains. It is hard to ever forget what an awesome God we have if you have your eyes open. Grace and Faith came to visit for a few days and we had a great time. Mark and I took them all to Chuckie Cheese. They really know how to have fun.
Marky went to Dare 2 Share weekend with our church and really got to experience some door to door evangelism with 3000 teenagers. They also collected 7000 lbs of canned goods.
Molly and I will have finished To Live is Christ next week. We are hoping to start a study of Daniel in January. I am also going to the Cove (Billy Graham's retreat center) for a Bible study with Molly's mom in January. Hope I can keep up, but didn't want to miss either one.

I just had a great visit from Karen Knopp. Mark took us up some pretty exciting driveways!!! It was so good to have sweet fellowship with our sister. That's all for now. I'll try to remember how to get in from now on!!

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