Thursday, April 03, 2008

Poem by Mark

I do not understand

why an infant's life is taken for science

why ignorance is bliss

why being loved is often times hard to accept

But most of all I do not understand

why people always take what they have for granted

I've seen people rich with money longing for a happier life and people with happy lives wanting to be rich with money

What I understand most is my God's love for me

Even though I screw up

He is by my side

Even when I turn my back on Him

He pursues me.


Ruth said... THAT is an awesome poem!
Thank you for sharing...

rebecca said...

Very insightful Mark. We were looking at old videos one day recntly and we found the one of Stefan and mark as babies visiting at our house. How time does fly. Stefan is the love of our lives too like Mark as the other ones have soared on... He is now 6ft 3in and in a size 13 shoe. he will be coming to Charlotte in Aug as he has advanced to nationals in a fine arts competetion with the A/G youth group. How far away are you from there?